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 News Archive 2015

Some people just want to go to prison
by Nathan'ette Burdine: March 18, 2015

Some people just want to go to prison. The latest case of people doing dumb things is about a person who decided to mail a cyanide laced envelope to President Obama.

And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the envelope is all the evidence the Secret Service needs in order to identify the unlucky sap and to give him a one-way express ticket to prison.

The envelope contains cyanide, which can be traced back to a receipt that identifies the purchaser of the cyanide.

The envelope also contains fingerprints, which can be used to identify the unfortunate soul. But most importantly, the envelope contains a return address that can be used to identify the individual.

So yes, all of these things taken together is strong evidence that will ensure an extended stay for some unfortunate soul in one of our nation’s finest prisons.

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